Cinnamon and honey shortbread recipe 🍯

cinnamon gingerbread shortbread cookie cutter

For me, the end of year celebrations rhyme with indulgence. When Christmas approaches, the scent of cinnamon floats in the air. A little Proust madeleine, which reminds me of gingerbread, always present at this time of year. So it was obvious to offer you a cinnamon shortbread recipe to use with your little cookie cutters. A simple and delicious recipe with a good honey taste. Don't hesitate to tell me if you've tried it and if you liked it!

Ingredients :

  • 100g of flour
  • 75 g of almond powder
  • 90 g brown sugar
  • 60g butter
  • 1 C. tablespoon of honey
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoon of milk
  • 1 C. teaspoon of cinnamon (or 4 spices, ginger, etc.)

The preparation

1. In a salad bowl, mix the flour and powder by hand
almonds and the butter cut into pieces. Knead the dough
until the butter is well incorporated.

2. Add brown sugar, cinnamon (or other spices) and mix.
Add the honey and milk then mix to obtain a paste
homogeneous. Then place it in the fridge for at least 1 hour.

3. Spread the dough to a thickness of 4 to 5 mm then form the
biscuits using cookie cutters and place them on a baking sheet
covered with baking paper. Repeat until the
dough. Then place them in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes and
preheat the oven to 180Β°. The freezer stage allows you to
keep the shapes and details of the biscuits but it is not

4. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 180Β° then let cool.

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